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The Story

Viñedo El Refugio is the result of experiences, mistakes, efforts and the teachings of the business world in Mexico. They reinvented themselves many times through trial and error, until finally they were the first vineyard in the State of Hidalgo. This mystical place was born under the premise of "enjoying the journey called life", emphasizing respect for our Mother Nature, for the universe and for life itself. A group of Mexican friends with different personalities, but with a common goal, to undertake the exciting learning that nature shows us and to understand that the greatest wealth that human beings have is to enjoy every moment of their trajectory (the here and now ); for which we surround ourselves with experienced people in each of their fields

The Location

At an altitude of 2,240 meters above sea level, they achieve a very good thermal amplitude between day and night with an average temperature difference of 12 to 15°C, which favors the development of the skin and therefore the maturation of polyphenols.

with lots of hours of sunshine during the year with a semi-arid climate, with the highest concentration of rainfall in summer.

Good slope for good water drainage. Irrigation is done by drip, which its measure and controled by monitoring the natural evaporation of the soil, average rainfall and the needs of the plant.

The Winemaker

Agostina Astegiano, Fabricio Hernández (winemakers)
Rafael Garza (wine grower) In addition to our workers.  Argentine winemakers, owners of their winery in Argentina and lovers of Mexican viticulture, have lived in Mexico for more than 7 years for a large part of the year, advising projects in the Bajío.

A couple for more than 15 years, they try to reconcile work and life and they intelligently decided that for this to be successful, each one would have their own path within the team, Fabricio is more dedicated to production planning and Agostina more up to date and Commercial area.

Fabricio Hernández & Agostina Astegiano.

Photogallery rendered here.



Website: vinedoelrefugio.mx

Email: fmagana@bienesraicesrojo.mx


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